Result - Funded ✅
Ideascale proposal -
There is a lack of visibility on the execution of the proposal winners and their total amount of funded proposals.
Provide all funding history for projects and linking projects to their products / websites
Projects are creating multiple proposals for each funding round and there is also an increasing number of total proposals requesting funding. Currently there is no easy way to track which projects have received funding against the proposals they have submitted. Community members would benefit from seeing how many times a project has been funded, what their total funding is and whether they have executed previously funded proposals. The more accessible this information is the better the community can make distributed decisions as everyone will have access to useful data about the proposal teams. There are three easy areas in which projects can be tracked:
- Total funding amount - The total funding amount indicates the work that has been already done in the system. It will allow for ranking of the most important projects in the Catalyst process over time, indicate responsibility of certain projects and give an overview where the priorities lie.
- How often projects get funded - ****Currently there is no easy way to track which projects have received funding against the proposals they have submitted. Community members would benefit from seeing how many times a project has been funded.
- Linking projects to their products / websites - Evaluating funded proposals according to their funding and work until a certain point of time will be a benchmark across different proposals. Analysing past performance will help to allocate future resources in a more efficient, meritocratic way. Linking existing products and websites to projects will be a first step to more transparency about progress.
Development roadmap
- Extract all the funding data for the previous funds, standardize the data and then add it to the website database
- Create the single projects associated to grouped proposals to track the overall funding for a project with proposal breakdown