Some of the fund 4 proposals that we are looking to collaborate with under a single team with a single community site. Potential proposals for collaboration are categorised under the relevant solution ideas added in the previous pages.
Catalyst education resources
Project Catalyst Landing Page - A fantastic landing page for educational information about Catalyst. This is the perfect example of the material that would go on the education resources part of a community site. The bounty system is a great idea to keep the details up to date. Initially a Github pull request and approval system makes sense to leverage Github's existing capabilities. There may be merit in the future to bring direct update functionality into the site in the future or perhaps the ability to add custom user content on certain topics.
Guides to project Catalyst success - How to guides would be a great way for someone to easily complete the full walk through of using a part of Cataylst. For example 'Create a proposal' could go through the account to setup, where to look for information, how to check the funding category applies, how to respond and update information.
Infographics - Series 1 - Infographics are a great visual way to quickly understand something. These would be perfect to go alongside written information so people have a visual and textual reference to learn the Catalyst process.
Collaborator list
Project tracking
Idea collaboration