Idea collaboration
- Ephemeral insights value - The value from insights stage is ephemeral. Any value added is lost because previous insights are hidden in the history of old funds
- Difficulty traversing historic insights - Difficult to find a grouping of similar insight due to the lack of tagging or categorisation that means insights can't be easily filtered
- Difficult finding collaborators - Hard to find people to work on a proposal before submitting a proposal. Sourcing is currently done reactively after proposal submission rather though any previous collaboration stage
- Finding problems to solve - Difficult to know which problems are already being addressed in funded projects or within the community as a whole
- Complicated Catalyst process - Catalyst process has multiple stages, categories, stakeholders and roles making it difficult to understand everything
- Difficult proposal communication tracking - Hard to keep track of conversations between Telegram, Ideascale and Discord
- Difficult sourcing support - Difficulty on knowing who to reach out to for different information or problems in Ideascale
- Difficult improving a proposal after assessment lock - Difficult to share and update proposal information once the proposal is locked from changes. Only option at present is to add details to the comments section
- Difficulty understanding challenge criteria Lack of clarity on whether a proposal meets the funding challenge criteria
- Duplicated proposal ideas - ****Increasing number of duplicated proposals focussed on the same solution
- Too many proposals to understand - Number of proposals and information is too vast for the majority of voters to consume
- No incentives for immediate proposal feedback - No early incentivisation for community advisors to help refine proposals before they are finalised
- Proposals lack categorisation - Lack of categorisation for proposals under themes / tags / markets
- Difficulty tracking proposal information changes - Difficult to track history of proposal information
- Proposals not offering a solution - Number of proposals brainstorming with problems rather than providing a solution to implement
- No proposal team skills and background validation - Lack of knowledge and assurances of the skills and background of the people proposing